Brother on Brother
- - - - by Akiva
With tears in my eyes I watch brother on brother. The lines have been crossed in Israel.
Today it was blood, tomorrow the authorities promise it will be life and death.
For what? Oslo, Wye, the Roadmap?
What insanity following the PA election of Hamas brings the Israeli government to continue this path of forcefully evacuating land? The Holy Land, the Land of Israel for which the Jewish people have not turned away and yearned for.
Tzemach at MentalBlog (click here) has a great set of photos. So does Sultan Knish (click here).
And here's a short video clip from YNetNews (click here).
But I guess they're not great, they're horrible: pain, anger, force, for nothing.
But it's not true. For those forcing, it's all about force, power, control. Those in the West, don't be fooled by government pronouncements about illegal building, permits and so forth. In Israel, whatever the government wants to happen is legal, and whatever it doesn't want to happen is illegal. They'll find the law, permit or judge to back that up.
For those watching for the Geulah, the battle with the Erev Rav has begun. Gaza was a skirmish, this is the battle, and Jerusalem will be the key. Armilus has revealed himself today.
Ribono Shel Olam (Master of the Universe), we knew it would be with tears, but does it have to be with blood? G-d forbid, will it be with lives?